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Press Kit

  • Fellow of the American Sephardi Federation since 2018
  • Broome & Allen Fellowship, from the American Sephardi Federation, 2018

Dedicated to recognizing impressive academic accomplishments and service on behalf of the Sephardic community, as well as encouraging continued excellence in the field of Sephardi Studies.

  • David Gitlitz Emerging Scholar Prize, from the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, 2021

Dedicated to encouraging the research in the Crypto-Judaic field of Sephardi Studies.

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  • Winner of Gourmand World Cookbook Awards Best Jewish Cuisine book, 2021
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"A new Jewish cookbook that everyone should own, just in time for the High Holy Days"
Hélène's social media
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“Cocinar la Historia a través de cincuenta recetas sefardíes”
"La guerra de La Inquisición contra el cocido y otros platos judíos"
“La historia de los sefardíes a través de la cocina, con Hélène Jawhara Piñer” 
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